The Switch

January 3, 2018
A lot has happened since my last blog post, and I just wasn’t ready to write about it yet. I like to feel inspired, whether it’s writing music, or my blog. The last time I wrote was on November 21st and it was about my pre-surgery anxiety.
My surgery on December 14th was A SUCCESS! It was "the switch." The docs switched out my tissue expanders for implants. I’ve already had my post-op checkup and doc says I’m healing well. I am about to resume my treatment (herceptin and perjeta) next Friday, and I have just started Tamoxifen (I’ll be on tamoxifen for the next five years.) I’ve noticed I’m a lot more tired now that I’ve started the Tamoxifen, but there’s always an adjustment period with new medications.
The first thing I did after surgery was look at my chest, and I have to say I am quite happy with the results. I feel relieved. A lot of my anxiety was coming from the thought of not being happy with the outcome, even though what matters the most is that I’m alive and healthy. It’s such an amazing feeling to not have tissue expanders anymore and to be moving on to the next step of my recovery.
After surgery, I decided to take a little vacation from everything. I rested my mind and body. I allowed myself to take a much needed break. It’s so important to rest and re-energize, whether you've had surgery or not. Mental and physical health should always take priority. 
For those of you that know me, I loveeeeee moving and being active and productive, so this was a bit of a challenge for me. Of course the day after New Years I decided vacation was over and got back to work. I went to the gym, did vocal warmups and practiced for hours.
I feel amazing and so blessed to have the people that surround me.
The week after my surgery, I released a new single that I wrote a little over a year ago after I was diagnosed. It’s called “Take Me Away.” At the time I didn’t know what I was writing about, but it has been revealed to me that this song is about my experience with cancer and everything I have been going through. I am releasing the music video soon. More details to come:) I hope you enjoy ❤️
Thank you always for your love and support!
I appreciate you so much.
~Bianca Muñiz

In My Mind

